11: Evereska Reborn
Heroes of the Day As we huddled around each other post battle, the elven leader weaved through his soldiers, checking their health and giving them the reassurance of a job well done. We stood in awkward silence, slinking backward towards the shadows when another patrol appeared. A raven-haired woman, garbed in clothing of high rank or station spoke with the elven man leading the first group of soldiers. She reached out to comfort the man and smiled as she spoke, though the conversation was too quiet to overhear. In an instance she and her soldiers were off again and the man turned his attention on us. As he approached, Bhodi donned his hood and stepped behind the rest of us. The elven man introduced himself as Sergeant Sorian. I could only surmise that this man was Bhodi's father, given the odd behavior my friend was displaying in his presence. "What's going on here?" he said. "Where did you all come from and what are you doing here?" I nudged Carrick forwa...